What is your child’s favourite toy at the moment? Do they have a certain toy that they go back to time and time again, or does it change on a daily basis? Max definitely has a few favourites – his trusty bedtime zebra which he sleeps with every night, and his tractor. Eliza loves anything that can be stacked and sorted.
I remember when I was younger, I loved Sindy dolls, space hoppers and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. As I got a little older, Tamagochis were all the rage – seriously, everyone HAD to have one, and you always stopped what you were doing if it needed feeding or playing with. My kids would turn their noses up at such primitive technology now. They prefer the PS4, Lego and Minecraft.
I love this infographic created by What2buy4kids. It shows the popular toys throughout the years right up to the present day. It’s really interesting that although many things have changed, there are some old favourites from many years ago that are still loved today, such as Meccano, Barbie and Scalextric.
Some toys, such as Lego never seem to go out of fashion, do they, my children loved it and so do my grandchildren!
I have yet to meet a child who doesn’t love Lego!