Review | Go Ape

Gemma and Jacob have always been thrill seekers, searching out the biggest and fastest rides at theme parks and always looking for the next challenge. So when Go Ape got in touch to see if we would like to try out the Treetop Adventure at Haldon I knew they’d definitely be up for it!

Children need to be a minimum of 1.4m for this experience, and Jacob is JUST the right height, measuring 1.4m exactly on the day we went. Obviously children need to be accompanied by an adult if they are under 16, and one adult can supervise up to 2 children. I do not have a head for heights at all, so Kevin went along with Gemma and Jacob while I kept my feet firmly on the ground!

On arrival, everyone was fitted with a harness and shown how to use the equipment safely. Following this, there is a low level course where you can practice with the equipment and the tree platforms and ropes before you tackle the higher courses. This is where I started to feel a little nervous. Because Jacob was only just big enough, he sometimes struggled to reach the hooks in order to unhook and reattach safety lines. I shouldn’t really have worried, as each harness has 2 safety lines, which are moved one at a time, meaning you are always attached by at least one line. But I still felt a bit concerned about him struggling several metres above the ground. 

Go Ape Go Ape Go Ape

There are 4 levels on the Treetop Adventure, getting progressively harder and higher. The kids were totally fearless, climbing up the ladders, attaching themselves safely and efficiently and tackling every single obstacle. There is such a great variety of things to try, and some areas had 2 options – an easy route and a hard route, so you can see how you feel at the time. Each of the 4 zones ends with a zipwire back down to ground level, with the longest being 230m. The kids absolutely loved these!

Go Ape Go Ape Go Ape Go Ape Go Ape

The last zone is the highest, and has some of the hardest obstacles, from the log balance to the stepping stones. During the trial session on the low course, the children were shown how to do this with no hands, simply relying on their safety harness, but they weren’t quite brave enough to do this at 14 metres above the ground, and I can’t say I blame them!

Go Ape Go Ape Go Ape Go Ape

I can’t honestly believe they completed it – it’s definitely not something I could have done. Not only did they complete it, they absolutely loved every second of it. The whole experience from start to finish was so well organised and completely customer focused. The staff were friendly, professional and nothing was too much trouble. The kids were cheered on and encouraged, and they took time out to chat to me too, and advise me of the best places to stand for photos and great views. Safety was a top priority from the off, and I was relieved to see how they were happy to talk through things over and over until the children were happy and confident.

Go Ape

Priced at £25 for a Baboon (10-15 years) and £33 for a Gorilla (16+), it’s not the cheapest activity, but you can appreciate why it costs what it does – a lot of work and upkeep goes into this course and the safety training. It’s definitely something we would consider doing again, for a birthday or special occasion. 



  1. September 3, 2017 / 6:44 pm

    I have heard of go ape and looking at your amazing photos has confirmed that it wouldn’t be for me, as I am terrified of heights, the rest of my family would love it though

  2. September 19, 2017 / 9:32 am

    This looks and sounds like fantastic fun. My girls would love it, me not so much. I like to keep my feet on the ground. hehehe
    Your boy’s face on the zip wire is priceless. He looks like he’s having a blast x #TriedTested
    Kim Carberry recently posted…We have tried out the Betty Box – Review!My Profile

  3. September 19, 2017 / 9:35 am

    I can’t wait to my boys are a little bit older to try this out as it looks so much fun especially when it is outdoors too X #triedtested

  4. September 19, 2017 / 10:37 am

    You definitely need to be a thrill seeker to enjoy this, but it does look fun. I’ve not got a head for heights myself and I’d probably be one of those awkward customers that would chicken out at the last minute and have to be rescued! Your family look like they are having a great time though, it’s a shame you were not brave enough to join them.

  5. September 19, 2017 / 1:36 pm

    I’m sure I’ve heard of Go Ape before. This looks absolutely amazing! I’m not sure if I’d do it but maybe my eldest would! #triedandtested

  6. September 19, 2017 / 8:02 pm

    They are much braver than me! #TriedTested

  7. September 19, 2017 / 9:52 pm

    Wow this looks amazing – and they were so brave! #PointShoot

  8. September 20, 2017 / 8:24 pm

    That looks like a lot of fun although I’m not sure I would be brave enough to try it (like you, I don’t really have a head for heights). Gemma and Jacob look like they thoroughly enjoyed themselves though and it sounds like Go Ape are really good from a safety perspective too. #TriedTested

  9. September 20, 2017 / 8:51 pm

    We’ve heard so many great things about Go Ape and have 2 centres near us. I’m a bit too little yet to join in the fun but can’t wait when I’m old enough! Love the photos x #TriedTested

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