Tips for younger looking eyes

Family life is enriching, rewarding and challenging, all at the same time. It takes a considerable amount of personal time and effort to maintain a close family group, and then there’s extended family to consider too! All too often, sacrifices have to be made. While it’s important to take care of your general appearance, it’s the smaller areas that generally suffer. The eyes tend to be one of these areas. When you’re juggling your work, family and friends all on the same hand, it can be hard to work on yourself.

As we age, we tend to develop wrinkles in and around the eyes. These appear for a lot of reasons, but everyday actions, such as squinting and laughter, are commonly associated with seemingly harsher lines. Now, we’re not going to tell you that laughing is bad. (In fact, we think quite the opposite!) But, there are tips that we can provide to help you achieve younger-looking eyes, all while keeping your life on track.

This blog is written in partnership with the experts at Optimax. Optimax is a long-established eye surgery specialist, with more than 20 clinics nationwide. From laser eye surgery to cataract surgery, Optimax aims to provide affordable vision correction treatments to clients throughout the UK. We’re grateful for the partnership with Family Fever, and we hope your readers find our information useful.

Skip Salt and Watch Your Iron Intake

It’s said that everything is bad in excess, and salt is no different. Too much salt can lead to a myriad of health conditions, including kidney disease and even premature ageing. It’s due to the chemical Sodium, which holds excess fluid in the body and increases the workload of the heart. The increased blood pressure has a direct impact on eye health, as unfiltered fluid builds up in certain areas. This especially affects the area underneath the eyes. If you notice puffiness below your eyes, your salt intake may be too high.

An iron deficiency could also cause your eyes to gain a puffy appearance. Many articles state that increasing your iron intake may solve this problem, but it’s not that simple. As previously mentioned, excess consumption of anything is bad, and it’s been noted that an “iron overload” could increase the normal ageing process of the eyes in extreme circumstances. As always, a balanced diet is best, but feel free to indulge in a treat every now and then. Just try to avoid excessive eating behaviour, and your eyes will thank you.

Eye Cream

Many people use eye cream, and for good reason! There are many creams out there with “proven” effects, and you’ve no doubt got your favourite, but did you know that the application process is crucial? As one of the more delicate parts of the body, you must apply the cream very gently. Violently prodding your eye isn’t the way to go in this instance. (Or in any instance, for that matter.) We’d advise using your ring finger, starting from the inner corner of the eye and moving towards the outer corner, or crows feet. It’s also important to ensure that the skin is clean before doing so, as it defeats the point entirely to place cream on dirty skin.

Eye Masks and Sunglasses

It might sound silly, but there are proven benefits to wearing eye masks as you sleep, especially if you have problems doing so. Bags under the eyes are a direct result of a lack of sleep, which is common in busy family households. If you need a nap during the day to catch up, or if you’re trying to make the most of every second during the night, sleep masks can help you do so.

Squinting is also a common cause of wrinkles around the eyes, so UV protective sunglasses are a must during the day. You can even get sunglasses that match your prescription too! The level of UV protection that sunglasses provide differs, depending on where you get them from. The British Standard of EN ISO 12312-1:2013 should be met, which is the safety standard of UV protection. If you’re unsure, just ask!

Stop Smoking

If eye health or appearance is of any concern to you, you should stop smoking. We know that it’s easier said than done, so there are plenty of resources available to help you along the way. Smoking makes it harder for the body to absorb nutrients and restricts the body’s ability to produce collagen. Collagen gives your eyes structure, and also helps with elasticity in the skin. Along with the many other detrimental effects of smoking, the appearance of your eyes will deteriorate faster than your average non-smoker. In this case, the smokey look really isn’t good for you.

Be Careful with Mascara

Mascara might give your eyes more volume, creating a youthful, defined appearance, but you need to be careful with the application. The eyes are an entry point for infection and the eyelashes are the first line of defence against debris, dust and small particles. You should notice that they’re sensitive to touch too, resulting in a reaction when an object reaches the eye. For this reason, you should replace your mascara brush and mascara to avoid the buildup of bacteria. We’d recommend changing it every 3 months, at least.

Define Eyebrows

There are other ways to create a youthful appearance. Over plucked eyebrows aren’t the best, resulting in an appearance that mimics thinning, aged eyebrows. You can define your eyebrows with the range  of products on the market, and we’d always advise experimentation to find what works for you. Generally speaking, the older you are, the more the arch matters for a youthful appearance. It ‘opens’ your eyes, enlivening the vitality of your face while combating the slacked appearance of other facial muscles.

Natural Remedies (Do they Work?)

There are many natural remedies out there, but do they really work? We can’t comment on their authenticity, but some people swear by the following:

  • Place Cucumber on Your Eyes to Reduce Puffiness: Cucumbers contain vitamin C and caffeic acid, which helps with puffy eyes. Thinly slice the cucumber first, and then place it over closed eyelids for 5-10 minutes.
  • Use a Cold Metal Spoon on Lower Lids: Place a teaspoon in a cup of cold water with ice cubes for around 5 minutes. Then, hold the back of the spoon against your lower eyelids for around 2 minutes. This should reduce puffiness.
  • Massage the Area to Stimulate Blood Flow: Rather than a full-on massage, we’d advise gently tapping the sinuses to stimulate blood flow. You could also work on the pressure points in your brow before doing so.

Take Care of Your Sight

We hope that our advice is useful in your search for younger-looking eyes, but have you considered that your sight might be the reason for your concern? More than 800 people per week come to Optimax for treatments, with 20 clinics across the UK. Laser eye surgery, lens surgery and cataract surgery are available, and you can check your suitability for laser eye surgery on the Optimax website. It’s an increasingly common treatment with many success stories across the globe, and Optimax has a proven track-record of providing a premier service for affordable prices. Take care of your eyes, and they’ll take care of you.




  1. November 6, 2019 / 1:11 pm

    thank you so much share the article i read your article online now is

  2. November 11, 2024 / 6:42 am

    Loved these tips! Taking care of our eyes is so important, and little habits really add up over time. I’ve started using nightease glasses in the evenings to help reduce eye strain from screens, and it’s been a game-changer for me. It’s amazing how small adjustments can keep eyes feeling fresh and looking healthier. Thanks for sharing these helpful ideas!

  3. November 11, 2024 / 6:45 am

    Loved these tips! Taking care of our eyes is so important, and little habits really add up over time. I’ve started using nightease glasses in the evenings to help reduce eye strain from screens, and it’s been a game-changer for me. It’s amazing how small adjustments can keep eyes feeling fresh and looking healthier. Thanks for sharing these helpful ideas!

  4. December 27, 2024 / 8:24 am

    Maintaining youthful, healthy eyes in the midst of a busy life can indeed be challenging. The insights on reducing salt intake and carefully using eye creams are particularly useful. It’s interesting how lifestyle choices like wearing sunglasses and quitting smoking play significant roles not just in overall health but specifically in eye health. These tips serve as a reminder that small daily habits can have a large impact on our appearance and well-being.
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