How to Ensure a Successful Hair Transplant

It is possible that you will be charged upwards of £10,000 for a hair transplant procedure and yet, if you don’t do your research, the results may not be satisfactory. This is one of the biggest problem with hair transplant procedures because there is a looming chance of wasting your hard-earned money on something that does not even work. Fortunately, it is possible to ensure that your hair transplant surgery is successful, if you know how to go about it.

Don’t Get Duped: Choose a Reputable Hair Transplant Clinic

Since male baldness is quite common in the UK and the NHS does not cover cosmetic procedures, inadequately qualified cosmetic surgeons are always around the corner, making impossible promises and setting their patients’ expectations unrealistically high.

Stay away from claims that seem too good to be true and book an appointment to discuss your options at The Treatment Rooms hair transplant clinic in London. They have the equipment, cosmetic surgeons, and reputation to back them up.

Don’t Wait

It is a common tendency to visit a hair transplant clinic only after the scalp has lost a significant portion of your hair. In other words, a large majority of men only visit hair transplant clinics when they are already in the advance stages of male pattern baldness. This puts the patient at a serious disadvantage because:

  • They are much less likely to see the results they want.
  • The hair transplant will cost them a lot more as more follicles will need to be extracted and implanted.

Look out for the early signs of baldness and visit your dermatologist as soon as you can.

Start Leading a Healthy Lifestyle Before the Surgery

It is better if you don’t smoke or drink too much at any point in your life, but if you want your surgery to be highly successful, you will need to get your body in optimum health for a better and faster recovery. Also, smoking is directly linked to baldness.

Practice Aftercare Judiciously

There are two stages of aftercare once you have returned home after the transplant. The first series of steps will need to be implemented until the scalp heals completely. The clinic should be able to advise you regarding how to go about protecting your tender scalp during this time.

Next comes the care needed to protect your hair after the scalp has healed. The clinic should guide you with this as well, but a few common rules are as stated below:

  • Do not rinse or brush your hair hard at all.
  • Avoid wearing caps or hats for long durations of time.
  • Avoid using hair gels for the time being.

After a few months have passed and the roots have found purchase, you should be able to act more carefree with your hair, but never overdo it.

Finally, do consult with your hair transplant clinic regarding what kind of haircare products you should be using (shampoo, conditioner, etc.). Maintenance is important and without the right haircare products, the implanted hair follicles might become loose in some instances.


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