Bath bombs, garden bars and guided meditation | How you can relax and pamper yourself without leaving the house

Most of us spend a lot of time dreaming about the trips we’d take if we had more time and money to spare. We talk about the places we’d go, the hotels we’d love to spend a week at, the gorgeous spas where we’d just sit, relax, and let ourselves be pampered. The reality is that most of us can’t afford to take time away as often as we’d like, but that does not mean that you should restrict treating yourself to some necessary self-care to those dates where you can get away. There are so many things that you can do around the home to pamper yourself, give yourself a little beauty treatment, or simply centre yourself and give your mind the peace and quiet that you deserve.

If you are juggling too many commitments to think about booking a week somewhere sunny and you are trying to think about how you can make sure that the kids are doing their homework while trying to make sure that you are still having some quality time with your partner, here are a few things that you can do at home that will leave you with a glow.

Create An Orderly Space

We will admit that starting this article with a headline that essentially translates to “tidying and cleaning” may not sound like we’re going to talk about pampering, but it is important to make sure that you have the best environment possible to look after yourself. We’re not talking about giving your house a top to bottom clean necessarily. We are talking about addressing some of the chaos that can occur when everyone has been working and relaxing in the same space. Try to stay on top of putting things away and create an orderly filing system so that the feeling that everything is piling up is pushed to the back of your mind.

Establish Me Time, And Us Time

When you are responsible for running an entire household, your needs can end up sliding to the bottom of the priorities list. If you are looking for a guarantee, or as close as you can get to a guarantee, that you are going to be able to enjoy your pampering in peace, then you are going to need to set some clear boundaries.

Try to set an amount of time every day, or every couple of days, that is just for you. Explain to everyone how important it is that you have this time, even if it’s just a quarter of an hour to yourself when you get home from work. But it is also important that you factor in time for you and your partner, and for you and your children. Don’t fall into the trap of creating a clear division between “for me” time and “for them” time, because it can start to get a little emotionally tricky. Instead, remember that it’s “us”, not “them.”

Bring The Spa Treatments Home

One of the best ways that you can treat yourself at home is to create the experience for yourself. OK, so maybe you can’t bring the pool back home, but you can certainly use what you have to conjure a soothing, relaxing environment that is just for you. We talked about the importance of carving out time in your schedule that is just for you. Well, why not use some of that time to light some candles, pick some music and sink into a nice hot bath? A bath bomb is just one of the items with which you can allow your body and mind to mellow out and relax. If you are looking for luxury bath bombs, why not look at CBD bath bombs? They combine all the relaxation that you would expect from a high-quality bath bomb with the soothing properties of naturally sourced CBD oil. If you want to learn more about CBD oil and how it can help you feel relaxed and refreshed, then visit Naturally CBD and browse their incredible selection of bath bombs, oils, skin care items and much more.

Get Out In The Garden

As we head into the colder time of year, we all say a sad farewell to parks and pub gardens for the next several months. But there is no reason why you can’t set up your own little getaway in your back garden! We’ve already seen in September how surprising heat waves can come out of nowhere, and you want to be ready for when they do.

If you want to treat yourself (and your partner, of course) to something indulgent without leaving the house, then why not think about how you can create your own little bar in your back garden. If you want to go big, you could look at converting your shed into your private cocktail bar, but there is a lot to be said for simply taking advantage of a warm evening to mix a few drinks, make a playlist and enjoy a little oasis. Just remember to have some warm blankets and an umbrella on standby.

Yoga, Meditation And Finding Your Calm

There’s a reason why so many of us have yoga mats lying around the house. It’s because we know just how much of a difference taking the time to work on ourselves and centre ourselves can make. Anyone who has ever done as little as follow an introductory tutorial on YouTube knows that stretching out and using the time to really listen to what our bodies are telling us can make us feel more relaxed, more focused, and so much calmer.

Alternatively, guided meditation exercises can be just as effective for helping you cut through all that noise and creating a safe haven. It is very important that we all treat ourselves to those physical comforts and pamper treatments, from manicures to deep tissue massages. But it is just as crucial that we make the effort to pamper our minds as well.


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