The day when the children have all flown the nest can ignite a real smorgasbord of emotions for parents. It is the culmination of a lifetime of care, nurture, and knowledge sharing that is meant to help your kids survive in the wider world. Of course, sometimes they may return to the fold – but, even so, there’s almost certainly a time in most parents’ lives when the young ones look for their own place or choose to move in with their own significant other.
A cherished milestone in parents’ lives
When and however that moment comes, it’s natural that you don’t totally know how you feel about it. Pride, anxiety, even relief – the range of emotions is broad and can all affect you at the same time. You want to remain connected to your children, but – at the same time – you do understand and support their quest for independence. It’s a delicate emotional tightrope.
That said, research from equity release advisers Key Later Life Finance shows that – actually – two-thirds of parents look forward to when all kids have flown the nest. Of course, it doesn’t mean that champagne corks will be popping. The survey found that 61% of parents will feel “very sad” at the same time. But there are always opportunities from such a life milestone.
Peace, quiet, and fewer household chores?
One immediate benefit is in the household duties.
No longer will parents need to cook for and clean up after their not-so-young ones. After all, you’ll only need to prepare meals for one or two people instead of three, four, or more. And that doesn’t even consider the wildly varying dietary preferences that kids can have. With it, comes a reduced dishwashing load – and no hidden cups or glasses dotted around the home.
The household finances also benefit from children flying the nest. It’s likely, for example, that the energy usage in your house will drop – handy at a time when bills are surging. The shopping bill too should go down too; another thing that parents told Key they looked forward to.
Do that something you’ve always wanted
The little things mentioned above can add up too. Any increase in disposable income can be used to great effect with existing savings or options like equity release. It can fund all those grander plans that you didn’t have time for before – and 69% of parents aged between 65- and 74-years old believe that children moving out offers a heightened sense of freedom.
You might have designs on your kid’s former bedroom – with 38% of parents giving it a new lease of life as a guest bedroom, office, or home gym. Or maybe you’re looking further afield and plotting that trip of a lifetime. The choice is yours. And it’s a combination of more money, more time, and less responsibility that holds obvious appeal for many empty-nester parents.