A Definitive Guide to the 4 Levels of Home Care Packages

Home care packages are becoming increasingly important for folks who want additional assistance in their daily life. These packages provide specialised services to match the requirements of each client, whether it be transportation, meal preparation, or more intense help. 

But, with four different tiers of home care packages to choose from, how do you know which one is best for you?

Level 1 Home Care Package

Level 1 of the home care packages is designed to provide essential support for those who need assistance with everyday tasks. This can include help with shopping, meal preparation, and transportation. 

Generally speaking, this package level is best suited for those who still want some independence but could benefit from extra support now and then.

The government provides around $9,026 yearly for Level 1 home care packages. Depending on your Care Plan, this could equate to around two hours of home care assistance per week. It’s important to note that the government doesn’t define ‘basic care.’ Instead, an evaluation is conducted to determine how much help you need.

Different countries address the need for home care assistance in different ways. In the UK, for example, the government has a free advice line that helps people access help and support their home care needs. 

In Australia, people can apply for home care packages that provide tailored services, such as transport, meal preparation, and house cleaning, depending on the level of care they need.

Level 2 Home Care Package

While Level 1 home care packages provide primary care, Level 2 is best suited for those with low-level care needs. This could include personal care, social support, and assistive

technology. It might also involve additional help with home maintenance, housekeeping tasks, and hands-on assistance around the house.

Given the additional care needs, Level 2 home care packages are given an average of 3-4 hours of support per week. This is supplemented by around $15,887 a year from the government. 

This package level is commonly suited to people beginning to experience ageing signs or needing extra help with their day-to-day tasks. A Level 2 package could be an option if you find these tasks challenging.

Level 3 Home Care Package

If there’s a package level for basic care and another for low-level care needs, then Level 3 is tailored for intermediate care needs. This package level is designed to help those needing advanced home care, such as medication management or complex nutritional support. It could also include specialised allied health services like physiotherapy.

The government provides roughly $34,550 annually for Level 3 packages, translating to 7-9 hours of weekly assistance. Most of the time, these packages are reserved for those who struggle to deal with memory loss or changing behavioural patterns. 

With this package, the recipient can receive more in-depth care and support. It will help them manage their condition and live a better quality of life.

Level 4 Home Care Package

The last of the four-tiered home care packages is Level 4. If you have mobility issues, visual or hearing problems, or dementia, this package will be able to give you the intense care that you require.

Level 4 home care packages provide 10-13 hours of weekly assistance and $52,337 in government subsidies per year. If necessary, this level of care might also encompass palliative and end-of-life care.

Although this level of care has the most intensive support available, it’s essential to be mindful that government subsidies will not cover other home care fees, such as basic daily or income-tested care fees. This means you may still have to pay out of pocket for additional support if needed.

How to Choose The Right Home Care Package

Now that you know more about the four levels of home care packages, it’s time to decide which one is right for you. You can use technology to help you, including health and agency websites to research the different packages. You may want to look into care homes that have some of the best home care software, which will provide the staff looking after the resident a place to store and upload all important care documents – which would help for any future nurses dealing with the patient so they would know their history whilst at the care home. This way you will know that your loved one is getting the correct care.

The best way to judge this is by conducting a home care assessment. Here are some physical and mental health indicators that you can assess to decide which home care package level is best for your situation:


One of the most important indicators will be your mobility. If you are having difficulty getting around, even with assistive devices, then it could be time to look into a higher level of home care package. 

If you can still move independently but need help with daily tasks such as shopping or cleaning, then Level 1 or 2 might be enough.

Mental Health

Mental health is another key indication. You can talk to a doctor or a psychologist to see whether you need more help. This will aid in determining if Level 3 or 4 is the best option.


Your way of living might also influence which package level is appropriate for you. If you have a hectic schedule and are unable to complete everyday duties, asking for help will not make you weak. Instead, it could be the greatest thing for you and your way of life.

Final Thoughts

Your home care needs may alter as you become older. That is why you should never be scared to seek assistance. With four tiers of home care packages available, you may pick the perfect one for your needs. 

Finally, keep in mind that home care packages are available to assist you in living a better life. Make sure you explore and investigate the different possibilities to get the most out of them.



1 Comment

  1. June 28, 2024 / 8:10 am

    Overall, your content effectively educates and guides readers through the complexities of home care packages, ensuring they feel empowered to make informed choices that meet their individual needs. Well done on creating a comprehensive and supportive resource!

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