Review | Fisher Price Beat Belle

Fisher Price Beat Belle

Many of you will remember the Fisher Price Beat Bo – it was last years Christmas must have toy, and featured highly on the wish lists of tots all over the country. This year, Beat Belle has joined the team, and we have been trying her out at home.

A press of her tummy or the buttons on her feet activates fun songs, dance moves and learning rhymes. 

Fisher Price Beat Belle

Fisher Price Beat Belle

Fisher Price Beat Belle

As well as all the usual moves and grooves you expect from an musical learning toy, Beat Belle has an added function. The customised Record & Remix function allows your little one to record a song or phrase, which Beat Belle will then play back to them, along with some background music. 

Max loves this feature, and uses it daily. He loves hearing words repeated back to him, and he often asks us to say words or phrases for him to listen to. This is great for aiding speech and development, and introduces letters, colours, counting, music and cause and effect.

Fisher Price Beat Belle

Fisher Price Beat Belle

Eliza loves Beat Belle too, and carries her around a lot. Her antennae are the perfect size for little hands to grab hold of, and the buttons are big and chunky, making them easy for small hands to operate. It is freestanding, so a good option for babies who are sitting up, as well as being suitable for older babies and toddlers. In fact, the Fisher Price Beat Belle toy is an ideal option for any age, from stimulating very young babies, to teaching older tots colours, numbers and more. 

If you are stuck for Christmas present ideas, we would definitely recommend the Fisher Price Bright Beats Dance and Move Beat Belle – your little one won’t be disappointed to find this under the tree!



  1. October 4, 2016 / 9:38 pm

    How have I never seen or heard of this? Mine would love recording and playing back words and sounds! #TriedTested

  2. October 6, 2016 / 6:30 am

    Sounds like a great Christmas present!! We’d love a Beat Belle this year. Love the design (almost cult toy Japanese) very cool and my mummy wouldn’t object having it out on display! #triedtested xx

  3. October 6, 2016 / 11:26 am

    This looks so cute! My son would love the recording function too xx #triedtested
    Laura recently posted…Just For Tots At ButlinsMy Profile

  4. October 6, 2016 / 9:54 pm

    Zach has a Beat Bo and never plays with it, although I love making it repeat things! I’m not sure if I’m a fan of this one though, as I’m not a huge fan of gendered toys – the original was perfectly neutral I feel like it’s quite unnecessary.

  5. October 10, 2016 / 10:57 pm

    I’ve never heard of this it that recording function sounds great! Must check out other fisher price toys for Christmas – thanks for hosting #triedtested

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