Spooky drawings for Halloween

Gemma loves to draw – she nearly always has a pencil and a piece of paper stashed away in her bag or pocket, just in case a drawing opportunity arises.

We were recently sent ‘How to Draw 101 Spooky Things’ from Top That Publishing. With Halloween just around the corner, it was a perfect excuse for Gemma to have a go at some spooky pictures!

Gemma and Jacob spent a long time looking through the book, laughing at some of the funny pictures, and deciding what they would like to draw. 

They spent a good half an hour drawing from this book. Not many things will make these two sit still for that long, so we knew the book must be a hit! They drew several of the pictures, carefully following the step-by-step guides to make all sorts of things from pumpkins and ghosts to haunted houses and eyeballs!
A bit of colouring, and the pictures were complete:
Gemma was so pleased with her picture that she has taken it to school to show her teacher this morning. Her plans for tonight? More pictures from the ‘Spooky book’. 
This is a wonderful book, especially for Halloween, but there are pictures in there that children will enjoy having a go at all year round, and the fact that they can do it themselves is great for their independence.
Why not pop over to Top That Publishing’s Twitter page and share your spooky Halloween pictures?
* We were sent this book free of charge for review purposes, but all thoughts and opinions are my own *



  1. October 29, 2013 / 7:31 pm

    Love those drawings. Mrs Dracula is fantastic!
    Looks like a good book kids enjoy.
    Thanks for linking #LetKidsBeKids x

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