Week 3 of the 21014 already. It has been a quiet week for us, but we have still found plenty of everyday things to photograph! Day 12 – Row, row, row your boat. Gemma has been teaching Max some of her favourite nursery rhymes this week – I’m not sure what…

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Week 2 of Project 365 and I am really enjoying taking a photo of our lives every day. Day 5 – Brotherly love. Jacob adores his little brother, and is always asking to hold him. This is a bit more tricky now that Max is so wriggly, but they managed…

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One of my resolutions this year was to take part in the wonderful 365 Project – quite simply a photo a day, every day, for a whole year. I am determined to see it through, and record a year of our lives. I think it will be an amazing thing to look…

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