This is our last week in our current home – in 3 days time we move 300 miles. I am nervous, excited and terrified in equal measures, and I can’t wait for us to be settled again.  This week has been a mixture of sunshine, packing and a very special…

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The Easter weekend is upon us, and I am planning lots of lovely family time. Kevin has 2 days off work over Easter, so we will be making the most of it before he heads up to Lincolnshire on Monday to start his new job. We will be following him…

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The first week of the Easter holidays, and the sun has shone – we have been making the most of it! Day 96 – Exploring the grass with Daddy Day 97 – Just chilling after a busy day Day 98 – Sibling love Day 99 – Max loves the swings!…

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I still can’t quite believe we are in April, and only a few weeks away from the big house move. This week has been a mixture of sunshine, rain and fun with the kids.Day 89 – The sun shone, and the kids enjoyed throwing pebbles in the river. Day 90 – Beautiful…

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This week has been a tad crazy. We made a road trip 250 miles North to Lincolnshire to look at houses and schools for the big move. More on that soon!    Day 82 – Max playing with Gemma. Day 83 – A break from house hunting, a bit of…

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