Working long shifts in the hospital means I need REALLY good shoes. There is nothing worse than trying to run up and down the corridors with blisters! Strive Footwear recently got in touch to tell me about their range of shoes. Strive started making custom orthotics in 1980, and have…

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Can you believe there is just one week left of the summer holidays? The last 5 weeks have flown by, and we are gradually starting to prepare for the new school term – buying lunchboxes, checking shoes fit, and of course – getting new uniform.  Gemma is starting high school,…

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We are so lucky to live where we do. Devon boasts so many wonderful things from beaches and moorland, to the wonderful rivers and field we have right on our doorstep – literally. At the end of our road, there is are beautiful, grassy fields with a slow running river…

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A couple of months ago, I decided to make some lifestyle changes and try to be a bit healthier overall. I joined a Slimming World group, and have been cooking from scratch a lot more, using heaps more fruit and vegetables. I’ve tried to choose healthier snacking options too, opting…

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A decent pair of sunglasses is a really good investment – especially with the weather we are having at the moment! I have a couple of high street pairs in the drawer that I use when I am sitting in the garden or driving, but for running I needed a…

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