We vacuum the house a lot. With 4 children who love the outdoors, there are always muddy wellies, filthy football boots and dusty trainers on the doorstep, and plenty of mud, grass, dust and outdoor detritus gets dragged into the house, along with coats, bags, lunchboxes and creations from school which…

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Gemma has had the same bedroom for several years now – pink with wall stickers that she chose a good while ago. She has been asking for a ‘new’ bedroom for a while now, but because we were all set to move very soon, we held off on decorating until…

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With 4 kids, we vacuum a lot. Pretty much every day we whizz around to pick up the mud, the grass, the fluff and the general dirt that comes from having a busy household. But I have to say, one thing that drives me up the wall is the cord…

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I only recently came across Bertie & Jack – but I fell in love with the site as soon as I saw it. Founded back in 2010, Bertie & Jack started as a market stall named after the owners little ones. They design and make an original range of cut-out artwork.…

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Like most children, mine love character bedding – there is nothing better than snuggling up under a duvet featuring their favourite film or TV series. We were recently sent 2 sets of bedding from Character World, featuring Inside Out and Antman. As soon as they arrived the children jumped on…

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