Before kids, I could drop my head onto any pillow, anywhere and be asleep in a matter of seconds. Since the children were born, I have nights where I struggle to drop off for a number of reasons – listening for anyone waking up, worrying about something, mentally preparing packed…

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You may remember that about a month ago I was given the opportunity to review the milk&more delivery service. You can read my introductory post here. We have now been using the service regularly for the last month, usually ordering about once a week. The ordering process is very simple –…

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I am not very savvy in the world of business cards. I never know what to put on the, or how to describe myself and what I do. So when 123 Print offered me a set of full colour business cards I sought their advice – and they helped me to put…

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Winter coughs and colds. They plague this household, and the children are very kind with their germ-sharing, which means that all of us are likely to come down with the sniffles at some point over the winter. I was sent some Vitalize Health Glucasan+ immune boosting supplements to review, and…

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I love a good list, or a good spreadsheet. I like to be organised, appointments are written religiously on the kitchen calendar, blog posts are noted in my diary, and work is listed on the whiteboard. I would hate to not have a list on the go – it is…

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