We have been using Specsavers for a few years now. All of us regularly attend for eye tests, and both Gemma and Jacob have had glasses from there in the last 12 months. Up until now, I haven’t needed glasses, and have always walked away with a clean bill of…

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We have been thinking about potty training for a while now, but Max just didn’t show any real interest. We bought some pants and kept them in the drawer and every so often we would ask if he wanted to wear them, but he always said no. A couple of…

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Despite this being my 4th pregnancy I have never had any pregnancy shots taken. I have done the typical ‘bump in front of a mirror’ selfies a few times, but never anything professional. I knew that this time I wanted some photos taken, to look back on and remember the…

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On Saturday my eldest boy turned 7. It doesn’t seem possible. It doesn’t seem like more than a couple of years ago that we were bringing a tiny, fragile bundle home from the hospital.  We wanted to make sure he had a special day, as last year was an awful,…

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Most children have a ‘special’ cuddly thing – it might be a teddy, a stuffed animal, a blanket or a muslin cloth. Whatever it is, it is special to them. Max’s favourite toy is a zebra cuddly toy, which he was sent when he was very tiny, and has come…

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