5th November is so much fun – crackling fires, sparklers, toffee apples and loud, bright fireworks.  Not so much fun if you’re an animal though. Animals don’t understand fireworks – all they see and hear are the blinding flashes of light and the explosive bangs. It must be terrifying, and you…

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This months review round up focuses on products that are in and around the kitchen.  Method fresh currant hand wash I wash my hands countless times a day, and so something that not only cleans my hands but leaves them feeling soft and smelling great is a must. This fresh…

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Recently, we were lucky enough to be sent this AquaEl Classic Aquarium kit from SwellUK. Cue 2 very, very excited children who wanted to head straight down to the pet shop to choose some fish. However, the tank needed to be set up for a few days before fish could be introduced, and…

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