When I had my daughter almost 8 years ago I had never heard of a Bumbo, but by the time son number 1 arrived in 2008 they were much more common. Nowadays, every other household has at some point had a Bumbo. For those of you who don’t know what…

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We were recently asked to review a luxury cot mobile from Little Bird told me. I have to admit that I have only recently come across this company, but I am impressed with what I have seen – a collection of traditional baby and toddler toys, all designed to capture…

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The teething monster has most definitely hit this house, and there has been lots of discussion about the best way to help Max with the discomfort. We have tried the usual mix of Calpol, teething gel and powders but in all honesty, the thing that helps him the most is…

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Going back to having a newborn in the house again after 5 years has been both exhilarating and a touch scary – you do forget just how small, helpless and dependent these newborns are! You also forget how much it affects you as a parent – that rush of emotions,…

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Most of us with little ones have discovered the benefit of white noise – the sound of the washing machine, hoover or hairdryer can calm and soothe a fractious baby in seconds. The Magic Mitten is a hand-held baby calming aid that plays settling white noise sounds that only your…

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