A few weeks ago, I asked a question on social media; if you could ask a midwife anything what would it be? I put your questions to Mandy Bellenger, independent midwife at Bellenger Midwifery: What is the most frustrating part of the job? Apart from not being able to predict…

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There comes a point, usually around the second trimester, when pregnant women start to think more about the experience of labour and birth. From programmes like ‘One Born Every Minute’ and horror stories that other people have passed on to them, many women begin to feel nervous about childbirth and…

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I read a post the other day from a lady who had wanted a hands off, non medicalised, hands off birth with her twins. She had a meeting with the supervisor of midwives prior to the labour, made sure everything was written down and reiterated everything again when she arrived at…

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During the course of my 4 pregnancies, I have seen a lot of the local maternity services – from the midwife led unit to the high dependency wards and neonatal unit. I have been scanned, monitored and given medication and surgery by  midwives, health care assistants, surgeons and anaesthetists.  I…

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Welcome to the latest instalment in my blog series: Birth Stories. Today we have the story of Jenni from Odd Socks and Lollipops and Boo, and how this little girl came into the world underwater. I was pretty sure that my daughter was going to arrive before her due date, not really…

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