Does anyone else get really excited about planning their holiday? I know I do!Read on to find out how Sarah, another mummy blogger, researched and booked her perfect family break, and how much she enjoyed looking into all the things they could do! A Family Reunion on Burnham Beach I’d…

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Hello all you gorgeous bloggers! Welcome to the Mad mid-week Blog hop!  Its new, its shiny & I hope you join in on the hoppy goodness! This hop will take place every Wednesday, so feel free to link up all of your favorite posts from your past week! Being anything from tasty recipes,…

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We were recently lucky enough to be selected as Cuddledry Super Bloggers – hooray!   If you haven’t heard about Cuddledry yet – read on! They are certainly worth finding out about! Cuddledry was designed by 2 mums who discovered through their own experiences that getting a wriggling baby safely out…

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We were recently invited to take part in the Money Supermarket ‘Retail Royalty’ Charity Challenge.We were given £30 to spend on items for a local charity of our choice. These items had to be beneficial to the charity – something that would really come in useful.There was no doubt in…

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