We were recently lucky enough to be selected as Cuddledry Super Bloggers – hooray!
If you haven’t heard about Cuddledry yet – read on! They are certainly worth finding out about! Cuddledry was designed by 2 mums who discovered through their own experiences that getting a wriggling baby safely out the bath could be tricky (and damp), and so set about making a product that leaves your hands free to hold your little bundle tight!
Since then, Cuddledry has expanded so that as well as the original Cuddledry apron towel, the range now also includes many other bathing products designed to make bathtime with little ones safe, easy and fun!
You can see the full range of items on the Cuddledry website.
As a Super Blogger I will be sharing all the latest Cuddledry news and offers with you lovely people! So keep a close eye on my page for any exciting developments…!