A Family Reunion on Burnham Beach

Does anyone else get really excited about planning their holiday? I know I do!
Read on to find out how Sarah, another mummy blogger, researched and booked her perfect family break, and how much she enjoyed looking into all the things they could do!

A Family Reunion on Burnham Beach
I’d normally say at this point that I don’t know who’s more excited, me or the kids, but they don’t even know we’re going away yet so it is most definitely me.
This holiday is a family reunion of sorts. My sister, Janice and her three children live in Bristol and me, my husband and our two boys live in Merthyr Tydfil. Although the distance isn’t huge, work commitments, birthday parties (the kids have a far better social life than I do) or something else always crops up and we don’t get round to seeing each other as often as we’d like. The kids all Skype one another and when I overheard them complaining about the fact that they never get to see each other properly, my motherly guilt kicked in and I decided to do something about it.  
Me and Janice did a little Skyping ourselves and agreed on a week-long holiday. Honestly, like most of our plans, I thought this might end up amounting to nothing, but sorting it out has been so easy that I don’t know why we haven’t done it before.
We weren’t sure where to go, but it had to be somewhere reasonably close (Janice and Co. don’t have a car), it had to be near some nice beaches, have plenty of things for the kids to do and not cost ‘a bomb’.
A few top secret emails were exchanged and between us, we found the perfect place and booked it – woohooo.
Ok, I need to calm down, but it’s been a very long time since we had a holiday together; in fact I haven’t been away with my sister since we stayed in a caravan with our parents when I was 12. It was a great holiday and I’m really excited about our kids getting to have those sorts of special memories too.

Isn’t the internet an amazing thing? I used Google Maps to look for beachy areas and thought the coast near Weston-Super-Mare looked nice. After a bit more Googling, I found out that Berrow Beach is the second longest stretch of sand in Europe, and Burnham Beach has cafés, amusements, a pier and donkey rides which the youngest, who is eight, will love. 

There’s a few hotels and caravan parks in the area but we found a great offer with one of the summer holiday deals at Haven.

Janice looked on Trainline and found out that Highbridge train station is just a couple of miles from Haven’s campsite in Burnham on Sea, so we booked it – don’t you just love it when a plan comes together?
The site has indoor and outdoor pools which sounds like heaven and the kids (who are all big enough to swim without us and too “cool” to be seen anywhere near us anyway), will be able to try kayaking, snorkelling, driving miniature jet skis or whizzing about the bottom of the pool on one of these Aqua Jets. 
There are three fishing lakes which has pleased our husbands no end, and you can hire everything you need from a fishing shop onsite so there’s no need to cart everything there – which also means there’s no need to put tubs of stinking maggots anywhere near my new holiday dress.
Me and Janice are just looking forward to having a glass of wine and a dance together at the evening show, and watching our kids (husbands included) making happy fools of themselves in the talent competition.
With such fantastic weather, special company and a destination that seems to really have it all, I know this is going to be a family holiday to remember.  I’m telling you all about it in the hope that I don’t let something slip in front of the kids – we cannot wait to see their faces when we all meet at Burnham-on-Sea pier in a few weeks time.
* This post was commissioned by Haven Holidays *


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