My kids love to be outside. Gemma likes to sit in the garden and read a book, or kick a football with Jacob. Max just likes the space to run, and Eliza is obsessed with the water table. Sometimes though, they just want something new to do, and that’s where…

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As you will know from my previous post about our Haven holiday, we love UK caravan holidays, especially when they are beside the sea! Not only are they great family fun, but they are also much cheaper than a holiday abroad! Another Haven mum has spent half term in a caravan…

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As some of you may know, we are lucky enough to be official Haven bloggers, and this week we have been staying at the lovely Haven Littlesea park in Weymouth. The park itself is beautiful, and huge! Everything is well maintained, clean and crisp, including the caravans:   I am…

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Does anyone else get really excited about planning their holiday? I know I do!Read on to find out how Sarah, another mummy blogger, researched and booked her perfect family break, and how much she enjoyed looking into all the things they could do! A Family Reunion on Burnham Beach I’d…

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In a few weeks we will be heading off on a Haven holiday, and we can’t wait to get away!Having been to Haven before, I know we are going to have a good time. Haven parks always have plenty ot keep the little ones entertained. We will be staying at…

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