We’re all going on a Haven Holiday

In a few weeks we will be heading off on a Haven holiday, and we can’t wait to get away!
Having been to Haven before, I know we are going to have a good time. Haven parks always have plenty ot keep the little ones entertained.

We will be staying at the Littlesea Holiday camp in Weymouth, Dorset. It’s not too far from us (we didn’t want to venture too far with a teeny baby in tow!) but there are some gorgeous attractions nearby such as the beautiful sandy beach, Corfe Castle, Portland Bill Lighthouse and the SeaLife Adventure Park.

So what are we all looking forward to most? For myself, it will be lovely to get away from the daily washing/cleaning/cooking/school run routine, and a chance to spend some uninterrupted quality time with my family.
Kevin is looking forward to visiting some of the local beauty spots, and taking some gorgeous photos. He really enjoys photography (and is quite good at it, but don’t tell him that. He will get a big head).
Gemma? Well she wants to spend as much time on the beach as possible. She is a real water babe and so will be found splashing in the sea when she can, or swimming in the lovely pool at the campsite. This will be an everyday occurrence for her – more than once a day if she can persuade us!
Jacob will want to be outdoors. Come rain or shine, he will be on the beach with daddy and a football. Or a cricket bat. Or a fishing net. In fact, anything that involves being outside, exploring or generally getting up to mischief! He is also looking forward to attending the kids clubs (especially the sporty ones!) and both children are super excited about going to the disco and entertainment show every night. Especially as this involves staying up late.

We are lucky enough to be staying in a Superior caravan, and I will report back on that once we have been on holiday, but I am pretty sure it will be comfortable, clean and a great base for us.
So, keep your fingers crossed for sunshine, and watch this space for our post-holiday report!

* I am a Haven Blogger, but I was not paid to write this post. All written content is my own *



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