Welcome to the latest instalment in my Birth Stories feature. Today Lisa from Mummy Gummie tells the tale of her emergency caesarean section. I was over my due date by 4 days when we went into delivery suite for reduced foetal movements on Saturday night. Although the heart rate trace (CTG) was fine, as…

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Caesarean rates across the country are at an all time high, and yet so many of us still feel completely unprepared if it is something that happens to us. I think part of that is because it isn’t always presented as an option at antenatal classes and the like, with…

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Having had 4 caesarean sections myself, I have come to learn how I recover best. You have to remember that a caesarean is major abdominal surgery, and your body does need time and care to heal and repair.  One of the biggest things that helped me with recovery was arnica. I…

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This month is Caesarean Awareness Month, and I have decided to share my 4 very different caesarean experiences. You can read my first birth story (the crash section) here, and how my second baby was born by premature section at 34 weeks here. My third birth story tells of my…

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This month is Caesarean Awareness Month, and I have decided to share my 4 very different caesarean experiences. You can read my first birth story (the crash section) here, and how my second baby was born by premature section at 34 weeks here. After Jacob was born, we thought our…

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