You know autumn is well and truly here when Harvest Festival time rolls around. This week both Gemma and Jacob have performed in their Harvest festivals, and they both did me proud. Gemma was a total star – standing up on her own in front of a packed hall and…

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Following the success of last summer’s photo blogging competition ‘Capture the Colour’, Travel Supermarket teamed up with Venture Photography to launch Kids Capture the Colour, an exciting challenge for children aged 15 or under to get creative and photograph the world around them. Our little ones can be so creative, why should such…

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It’s hard enough bringing up a child, but add into the mix of usual parenting concerns technology and the internet and you have a sure-fire headache!  Whether or not you are a regular net-surfer yourself, or maybe not quite so internet friendly, your children are going to test your parenting…

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Have you heard of ‘The Day That’? I am a huge, huge fan of their work. Every day since midsummers day 2005, they have been taking a selection of photos of the dawn rising over the Cornish coastline. This offers us lucky people the chance to remember a day that…

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Have you heard about Lillipops yet? Let me tell you more…. Lillipops are designed to help ease morning sickness, and may alleviate symptoms such as dry mouth, acid indigestion, nausea and heartburn. So what are they? Well they are, in a nutshell, ice poles! They come in a range of…

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