I have never really used a growing up milk before – both Gemma and Jacob just went from breast milk to cows milk once they were old enough. So when Cow & Gate offered to send some of their Growing up milk (1-2 years) for Max to try, I was really…

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Max is now almost 19 weeks old, and on the advice of our paediatrician, weaning has begun. HUGE step, and yet another sign my boy is growing up far too fast for my liking! I wondered how Max would take to weaning. He loves his milk, and I was unsure…

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Weaning is a MASSIVE step, and one that we are hoping will help Max’s reflux. Our paediatrician has advised that weaning often helps reflux babies as thicker food stays down better. So weaning is something we are starting to think about. But I always wonder where to start, and what…

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