With only a few sleeps left until the big Christmas holiday, at the back of your mind you might be considering where you are going to house all these new gifts, especially if you’ve got younger children, the number of toys they own seems to double every year! If you’re…

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Now that the Christmas madness has well and truly passed, I have found that the house is a little – well – crowded? There are lots of toys, books, clothes and other assorted items waiting for a home. So, I decided a bit of decluttering was called for – but…

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Your bedroom is the first thing that you see when you wake up in the morning and the last sight before going to bed at night. If this room of comfort is cluttered and messy it can have a huge impact on your physical and mental health.   We are all…

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Like many families, Christmas saw us overwhelmed with new toys for the kids. Since then, we have been steadily going through their old toys to see which they no longer play with – these are slowly being given away to charity, or passed on to friends.  As we decluttered, a…

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