Fearing the dentist is no laughing matter; many adults avoid going to the dentist entirely because we’re literally terrified! But when it comes to our children, having good oral health is absolutely crucial to their general health and helping them grow to be fit and well! But if your little…

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Everyone needs to take care of their teeth: failing to do so may not only result in gum and mouth problems, but it can lead to bigger health problems as well. And finding the right dentists for regular checkups is a great way to stay on top of your oral…

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We are all well aware that what we eat and drink can be harmful to our teeth, but what many people forget is that there are also certain habits that can adversely affect our dental health. Here are the top five. Chewing objects: Chewing on objects such as pens and…

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It is the Halloween season again! The ghosts are back, the haunted houses are being constructed and the kids are planning their outfits. This time of the year means longer nights, shorter days and a whole lot of sweets, candy and chocolates. But for those of you with fillings, dental…

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Image by Missouri Kintner Clan via Flickr Not many people enjoy going to the dentist, but that’s probably because the vast majority of us go only when we’re in some kind of pain. Whatever your feelings about going for a check-up, I’m sure you’d agree that the situation gets no…

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