Keeping your family happy and healthy becomes more and more difficult as the world advances. Parents do what they can to keep up with the rapid changes in technology, health care, and education – but when it comes to keeping their family healthy and happy, many people don’t know where…

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The Christmas season is undoubtedly one of the most exciting times of the year. It is when you take a break from work and spend more time with friends and family. Unfortunately, it is also the season where people gain a lot of weight. During this time, all that you…

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January is always a bit of a sluggish month for most of us, dragging ourselves back to work after 10 days off stuffing our faces with chocolate and drinking prosecco for breakfast can be a struggle to say the least. But getting yourself back into a routine is important to…

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I was recently sent some juice from the lovely folks at the Simply Great Drinks Company. They have three delicious flavours which are really refreshing and something a little bit different. They have also joined forces with Victoria Pendleton to create the Be Simply Great 8-week challenge, a sensible approach…

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