For many of us, a dog plays a central role in our families. They’re sweet, playful and occasionally naughty, but beyond this, they’re said to make us happier and healthier than we could be without a pet. But is this really true? Well, if you’re committed to giving your dog…

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Yes, I know – it’s March. But one of my resolutions this year was to get fit.  I do some light exercise – if you can count running up and down the stairs three hundred times a day as exercise. I do the school runs too, and walk the dog,…

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January is always a bit of a sluggish month for most of us, dragging ourselves back to work after 10 days off stuffing our faces with chocolate and drinking prosecco for breakfast can be a struggle to say the least. But getting yourself back into a routine is important to…

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Image credit. It can be easy to forget about staying healthy while abroad, but it is vitally important to be aware of the risks to your health before, during and after your holiday. I have compiled a list of ten health tips for you to consider before travelling. 1. Apply for…

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