2020 has been an unpredictable year as life has changed unbelievably for the entire mankind and the industries all over the world. If you are thinking about buying or selling a home, come on, there is nothing like the right or wrong time. Several agents and portals are available to…

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Selling any sort of property is stressful – and selling a family home is the stress of selling any other sort of property, times by one hundred. The thing is you don’t only have yourself and your own belongings to think about, but you also have to consider your kids,…

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We’ve moved house a few times over the years, for various reasons. We started in a small 2 bedroomed house, which we outgrew. We then outgrew the larger, 3 bedroom house and moved again for an extra bedroom. Finally, after a false start when we almost relocated, we found our…

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Relocations are not always for joyful reasons. Let’s be honest here, moving is typically a first-class ticket to Stressville, particularly for children. The whole concept of relocating to a new place and having to make new friends all over again while going to a new school makes most kids uneasy.…

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Without wishing to sound too Jane Austen about things, it is a truth universally acknowledged that the housing market can be a difficult place for buyers. High prices mean that many people who are perfectly able to afford monthly mortgage repayments struggle to raise a deposit and that situation has…

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