As you probably know by now, we are huge Tots Bots fans. We have used their nappies for many years now, with our current favourites being PeeNuts for night time and Easyfit Stars during the day. So when a little bird told me that there was a new Tots Bots…

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As many of you will know, we are a Tots Bots family. We have used a lot of the Tots Bots nappy range over the years, sticking with Easyfits for the day and Bamboozles for the night. More recently, we have added the PeeNut to our stash, and this has…

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Finding the right nappies for your little one can be a real headache can’t it? We have tried several brands over the years, and the main issue is always sagging. Once the nappy gets a little bit damp, it just sags, making it uncomfortable for Eliza to wear and getting…

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I can hardly believe I am writing this, but it’s been almost 3 years since I started blogging – 3 years! I honestly don’t know where the time has gone, and I can’t believe how much blogging has given me over those 3 years – an income, the chance to…

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From today, Pampers Essential Pack nappies will be Buy One Get One Free at Tesco! Mums and dads can pick up a pack of Pampers for as little as 8p per nappy. Nappies are an essential for every family with little ones and Tesco want to help parents make their…

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