For many busy parents, the festive hiatus is fantastic for relaxing, taking stock and reassessing life plans. And executing the New Year’s resolutions that emerge from this soul-searching is a traditional way of battling the ‘January blues’. But major lifestyle changes made in haste are often impossible to sustain, so…

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2017 will forever be the year my dreams came true. I have wanted to be a midwife ever since I traumatic birth experience almost 12 years ago. I had a really traumatic birth experience with her, but I couldn’t have asked for a better midwife supporting me. Without her, there…

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For me, 2013 will forever be the year of Max. Our longed for, much wanted little bundle of joy. I had it all planned out. Our C section was booked for May 23rd, childcare was arranged, Kevin had booked time off work. I had the bag packed, and just desperatley…

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