The PurFlo Breathable Nest is a multi-functional, air permeable and hypo-allergenic baby bed. Made from a combination of 100% soft cotton and an anti-bacterial 3D mesh, it offers a place for you to place to put your precious little bundle down to sleep safely.  PurFlo is the market leader in…

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The past year has flown by. I mean, really flown by. It barely seems 5 minutes since I was in hospital about to meet my brand new baby – and I know that sounds such a cliché, but it’s true. And now she is 1. Her birthday made me want…

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It doesn’t matter how organised and capable you are, when your new baby comes along life changes in the blink of an eye. The sense of responsibility is often overwhelming. You are no longer in charge of your life: a small person wields all the power and their needs take…

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Today I have a guest post from the lovely Chantele – blogger at Two Hearts One Roof and photographer at Cross-Jones Photography. She is sharing her hints and tips for newborn photography, and how to capture those precious moments. Hello all! Chantele here from Two Hearts One Roof , first…

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Welcome to the latest instalment in my Birth Stories feature. Today Donna from What the Redhead Said is sharing her tale of two home births. I am so excited to share this post – my first home birth story! Looking back at when I was pregnant for the first time,…

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