Welcome to Tried & Tested Tuesday!  It’s so lovely to see both familiar faces and new ones linking up each week – we really enjoy seeing the range of products you have been trying out. We do our best to visit you all each week, but sometimes broken laptops and…

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Max is a really good eater, and so far has eaten everything we have tried him with. At lunch and dinner times he eats family meals with the rest of us, but breakfast time is a bit different, as everyone tends to have something different. We seem to collect cereals,…

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Breastfeeding is something I feel passionate about, and something I write about frequently. You can read some of my breastfeeding posts here. So when Pinter & Martin got in touch about one of their new books from La Leche League International, I knew it would be right up our street.…

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I find family history really interesting – discovering who you are, where you have come from and what happened to those before you. My dad has a huge family tree that he has been researching for years now, and finding out we have relatives in Canada, and that my great…

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Welcome to Tried & Tested Tuesday!  It’s so lovely to see both familiar faces and new ones linking up each week – we really enjoy seeing the range of products you have been trying out. We do our best to visit you all each week, but sometimes broken laptops and…

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