Many of you will know that this week id World Breastfeeding Week 2014. I have written about breastfeeding quite a lot on here, from our experiences of feeding a premature baby to my thoughts on breastfeeding in public. To help celebrate World Breastfeeding week, I have been sent a couple of…

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We have been wanting to take the kids to Legoland for a long time now. Several friends have been and the children have seen adverts on the TV, and we just knew it would be a fun filled day out for everyone. So when Superbreak got in touch to offer us…

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Our bedroom is a bit neglected to say the least. It has always come bottom of the decorating to do list, and every time it gets near the top something else in the house breaks/wears out/looks shabby and so the bedroom gets pushed back out of sight again. It’s just…

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Welcome to Tried & Tested Tuesday!  It’s so lovely to see both familiar faces and new ones linking up each week.  We do our best to get round and read all your lovely review posts each week, and we really enjoy seeing the range of products you have been trying…

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We go through a huge amount of kids clothes in this house, especially tops. Gemma and Jacob both grow so fast, and Jacob especially is very hard on his clothes, meaning tshirts are often thrown out because they are ripped, stained or just plain worn out. So when Kids tshirts got…

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