There are so many moments and precious instances when being a parent makes you beam with pride and these are unforgettable memories. But certain things can be considered important steps in a child’s life and here we go through what they are and why they are so crucial to the…

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For many parents out there, the school run means one thing; stress! There’s so much to do and get ready, and when the kids are being as difficult as they’ll ever be (trying to skip school, take as long as possible getting ready), tempers can reach peak levels. Still, you…

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The great obesity debate has been rumbling on for what feels like an eternity in the UK, but that is only because there is a growing problem. According to Public Health England, 60,000 children in the final year of primary school are classed as obese, with 22,000 of those branded…

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Last week was a huge week for us. On Tuesday, Gemma started a massive new adventure at secondary school. It was a bit of a strange morning to be honest. I’m so used to dropping her off at school, but on Tuesday she walked to school on her own, in…

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With the summer holidays coming to an end, the period of preparation for the next school year should be well underway! Aside from the obvious shop for a new school uniform, there are many more essential bits and bobs that are needed. To get the ball rolling, here’s a quick…

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