Max has always loved to scooter, and over the years we have had several different styles. He started off with  a 3 wheeled ‘learner’ scooter, before progressing onto 2 wheels as he got more confident. However, some of the 2 wheeled scooters we have tried have been a bit of…

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Once upon a time all kids used to play outdoors, often making up their own games and giving a loud groan when their mums shouted for them to come back inside for tea. The days of hopscotch, hide and seek, tag and cat’s cradle are well in the past though,…

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Anyone who uses a scooter needs a Scoot Lock, the child-friendly lock to help protect kids’ scooters from being stolen or taken by accident.  A simple and affordable combination lock, Scoot Lock attaches to the scooter stem and goes wherever the scooter goes once fitted, meaning it doesn’t get lost or left at home.…

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My kids love their scooters – Gemma and Jacob are forever asking to go to the local skate park so they can practice their tricks and stunts. It’s a great way to get some fresh air and exercise, and something the whole family can so – even Max can whizz…

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A scooter is a toddler essential, but finding one that smaller children are able to handle easily can be tricky. Max is not ready for a 2 wheeled version just yet, so the Kiddimoto U-Zoom, with its sturdy construction, is perfect for him. Designed with both kids and parents in…

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