Eliza, like her brothers and sister, has always been a water baby. If she is upset and crying, a bath always soothes her. So from an early age, we have made an effort to take her swimming as much as possible – sometimes I have taken her alone when the…

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I can hardly believe I am writing this, but it’s been almost 3 years since I started blogging – 3 years! I honestly don’t know where the time has gone, and I can’t believe how much blogging has given me over those 3 years – an income, the chance to…

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I have always encouraged my children to take swimming lessons. It’s such an important life skill, as well as being great exercise and good fun too. A new survey shows that 57% of UK children aged 7-11 can’t swim – and I think it’s time that changed!  I have teamed…

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All 3 of my children are water babies – and I am sure some of that stems from the fact that we have taken them all swimming from a very early age. All 3 have attended parent and baby swimming classes from about 4 months old, and they have continued…

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Once your kids start school, you very quickly realise the value of personalised items and name labelling. Without it, things get sucked into the vortex of lost things, never to be seen again. You name it, we have lost it – jumpers, PE shorts, socks, drinks bottles and even a…

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