Fingerlings Baby Monkeys love hanging onto your finger and know when they’re being touched, spoken to, and even hung upside down! These perfect primate pets come to life with 40 ways to play and 50 sounds to let you know how they are feeling. You’ll fall in love with these…

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Most of us know all about K’Nex and the amazing building sets that are available for older kids right through to adults. Well now, the youngest members of the family can join in the fun too, with the launch of the new Kid K’Nex range. We have been taking a…

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With 4 kids in the house, we have a LOT of toys, and one of the most popular with all of them is our collection of Playmobil. It seems to appeal to all age ranges, and is perfect for encouraging imaginative play and interaction. The Playmobil Super 4 is the…

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We have a huge amount of Orchard Toys products in this house – all the children have grown up with them. We have games for all ages, and heaps of puzzles too, but until recently we didn’t have anything much for the youngest member of the family – she isn’t…

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Playmobil is a big favourite in our house, and the Fire Chief’s Car and Playmobil Pirates are played with most days. They seem to bridge the different ages well, with Gemma, Jacob and Max able to enjoy them equally.  We were recently sent the FulguriX from the Playmobil Super 4 range, which…

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