A Mexican feast with Old el Paso – Review

I was recently sent a delicious looking package of mexican treats from Old el Paso.


Whats in the parcel?

Old El Paso extra mild Fajitas kit
Tasty Tomato Rice
Chilli Pepper Rice
Squeezy Salsa
Squeezy Sour Cream
Squeezy Guacamole

Now, we love Mexican food, (especially quesadillas – check out this article for the best quesadilla makers), so this was a real treat for us, and we set about preparing a family feast! We started with the Fajitas. They are so simple to prepare – just stir fry some chicken, mix in the sauce from the kit and simmer, before serving with the warm tortillas and whatever sides and dips you fancy! The kids chose sour cream, while the adults chose salsa. We also added a mixed salad and grated cheese. Delicious!


These were wolfed down by adults and kids alike, and there wasn’t much leftover (much to the dogs disgust!)
The following day Kevin took some of the rice to work for his lunch. The rice is perfect for this, as you simply tear the pack and microwave for 2 minutes and you have a healthy, filling and tasty lunch! We had never tried microwave rice before, I always imagined it would be a bit ‘fake’ tasting but I was pleasantly surprised – the tomato rice made a great accompaniment to sausages!
We will definetley be purchasing more items from the Old el Paso range. You can find out more about the products, and find some recipe ideas over on the Old El Paso website, and you can also follow them on Facebook and Twitter.
* I was sent these items free of charge for review purposes, but all thoughts and opinions are my own*



1 Comment

  1. April 18, 2014 / 12:02 pm

    Those rice packets are great for taking camping. I put them in a pan of hot water to heat up while I cook everything else 😀

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