It’s been a good week for Jacob – today he was lucky enough to receive a copy of the new DC Super Friends magazine.
DC Super Friends offers exciting stories about the super friends Batman, Superman, The Flash and Green Lantern and many others. DC Super Friends is packed with lots of creative learning quizzes and activities, colouring games, cut out and keep, make and wear activities, character fact files, a fan mail section for all of those lovely pictures we receive and brilliant prizes to be won through our competitions. DC Super Friends stimulates the imagination of pre-school boys through play activities and great stories of good role models uniting through friendship.
The magazine arrived with a free toy on the front, as many magazines do nowadays, and this particular toy ( 2 ‘communicators’ with switching screens) went down very well with both Gemma and Jacob.

Once the communicators had been thoroughly examined, and taken outside to show off to their friends, we settled down with the magazine. There is a nice selection of stories, puzzles and colouring that are great for a little one of Jacob’s age. He really enjoyed colouring in Batman, and counting the number of Superman shields in a picture.
The story in the magazine – ‘Robot Rampage’ is the perfect length for a bedtime story, especially for a 5 year old with a limited attention span! Jacob (and Gemma!) really enjoyed the story of how Superman saved the city from evil robots, and Jacob even asked if we could read it again tomorrow.
This magazine has been a roaring success in our house, and there are still more puzzles left to do. I can see it lasting a good while, and there are a few bits and bobs in there which will help Jacob with numeracy, formation of letters, and colour recognition.
* We were sent this magazine free of charge for the purpose of this review. All thoughts and opinions are my own *
Wow these look great! x
My son would love this!
looks so bed sale UK