A poem for Autumn

I really love autumn. It’s the peaceful season between the burning heat of summer (well sometimes anyway) and the frosty cold of winter. I love the colours, and the crackles of the leaves.

I sat down with the children and asked them to write a list of their favourite things about Autumn. Here’s what they came up with:

  • Crunchy brown and red leaves
  • Conkers
  • Bonfires
  • Fireworks
  • Hot chocolate and toasting marshmallows
  • Hats and gloves
  • Spashing in puddles
  • Harvest festival
  • Running on the beach in wellies

I think you will agree that this is a great Autumn list, and features many of my own favourite things about the season too.
Together, we have made an autumn-inspired poem. We used tips from Emma Tapp to help us along – we especially like the ‘Play outside’ and ‘Have fun’ tips – perfect for us as we love to play outside come rain or shine, and we always have fun doing it.

By Gemma (7), Jacob (5) and Mummy!
And at Gemma’s request – you have to sing to the tune of ‘Cauliflowers fluffy’!
Conkers brown and shiny
All fall to the ground
Lots of muddy puddles
for splashing around
Leaves are orange
The fire is bright
Toasting marshmallows in the night
The fireworks bang
and whizz and crack
Time for hot chocolate
and a snack.
Wellies, gloves and coats on
Run to the sea
Lots of things in rock pools
for us to see
The leaves are crunchy
My nose is red
Time to put my wooly hat on my head
Blackberries dark
and cuddles all warm
Time to get cosy before the storm!
* This is my entry to the Center Parcs and Tots 100 November challenge. If I’m chosen, I would like to visit Longleat Forest. *

You can view details of the challenge here.



  1. Loubelle
    November 6, 2013 / 2:39 pm

    What a a lovely evocative poem, you make a very creative team x

    • November 6, 2013 / 2:48 pm

      Oh thankyou – glad you enjoyed it!

  2. November 6, 2013 / 10:19 pm

    great poem and i love that you got the kids involved too! xx

  3. November 6, 2013 / 11:43 pm

    Lovely poem, and great that the kids helped! #MMWBH

  4. November 7, 2013 / 9:30 pm

    Haha it works well to that song!!! xx

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