Nintendo 2DS review

Most of us will have heard of the Nintendo DS and the Nintendo 3DS, but I have to admit that the 2DS was a new one to me. I couldn’t work out what it was about – if it is 2D, surely that is just a DS?
We were sent a new Nintendo 2DS to play with, along with a copy of Animal Crossing:New Leaf.

The 2DS is not what I was expecting. It looks, and behaves like a DS, with the main difference being that it doesn’t fold in the middle. It is one flat console, more along the lines of a tablet in size and shape, but with the usual DS buttons and controls.

It does take some getting used to – the children found it hard to remember that the buttons for this one were next to the top screen, and for smaller children I can see this being a bit of an issue as their fingers would be too small to reach these. 
Once Gemma and Jacob had got used to the 2DS they really enjoyed using it. The love the Animal Crossing game – it is very interactive and allows them to choose how the game is played.
There are also some ‘mini-games’ pre-installed on the console, and these have proved very popular too – especially ‘Face Raiders’ which allows the children to take photos of themselves and then play a game where they become the character.
In conclusion, the 2DS has grown on me. I wasn’t at all sure to start with as it looks and functions quite differentley to the standard DS. I like that it can play DS and 3DS games – it makes it a very versatile piece of kit. The children like the addition of a joystick on the control panel – Jacob prefers to use this instead of the left/right buttons. 
Gemma and Jacob’s favourite points:
  • It looks like Daddy’s tablet
  • The joystick is much better to use 
  • We love Face Raiders
  • Animal Crossing is the best game ever
  • We can play our cousins 3DS games on it
  • It is big

So there you have it. In the words of the children it is big, fun and cool. You can’t say better than that!

* We were sent this console and a download code for the game free of charge for the purpose of this review. All thoughts and opinions are my own, and those of my children. *



  1. November 12, 2013 / 8:35 pm

    Am so pleased to read your positive review. We have bought one each for my two oldest, 6 1/2 and 3 1/2 for christmas and I have been so worried that they wouldnt live up to the hype……..thank you xxxxx

    • November 12, 2013 / 9:38 pm

      You’re welcome – I think they will enjoy them!

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