What comes to your mind when the time blockchain technology is mentioned? Is it Bitcoin or some funny scams that run by funny companies out there? It is one of the technologies that has transformed in ways that they could not imagine. We were lucky to have a session with…

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Christmas is around the corner and before we know it, we are out looking for toys to buy. Whether it is for our children, our friend’s children, relatives, siblings, cousins, etc. we want to give something that they can appreciate. You may be hearing wish lists already, and you may…

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In August 2015, 1000 British mums with a child aged between 2 and 12 were surveyed about their attitude to technology and play. Children these days spend an average of 17 hours a week in front of a screen – that’s almost double the amount of time they spend playing…

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I always use a case on my iPad – with 3 children and my own ability to drop almost everything, it was a necessity. Up until now, I have been using the official Apple iPad Smart case  purely because it was on offer when I got my iPad and it…

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Once the children are in bed, Kevin and I enjoy flopping onto the sofa and catching up on a few TV programmes that we haven’t had a chance to watch during the day, and so for us a TV box that can record is essential (I don’t want to miss…

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