Tesco Baby and weaning

Max is now an established, weaned little boy who has mastered eating through baby-led weaning. He eats family meals, he will snack on whatever we have in the cupboards and he drinks water independentley from a cup.

Tesco is celebrating all things weaning and feeding at their first ever Baby Food Festival. Tesco has got lots happening over the baby food festival, such as easy to follow weaning recipes on the Tesco Baby Club Website, twitter chats with experts who are ready to answer parents questions about little ones nutrition, as well as giving away some great weaning prizes. This three-week event –in store and online from 10-30 June – will bring together a wealth of help and advice for parents (along with a whole lot of fun too!) whichever stage of the journey they’re at. There’ll also be brilliant offers on feeding and weaning essentials as well as delicious new food ranges and great new products, available in store and at tesco.com.



What are your experiences of weaning? Did you follow baby-led weaning or use a traditional mix of purees and finger foods? Are you suprised at the above results?



  1. June 12, 2014 / 7:29 am

    Bananas are a great first food! We did BLW but both abbies still love bananas! x

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