Mealtimes can be so messy with a toddler. Eliza is almost 3 now, and very independent. She’s pretty good at using a knife and fork on her own now, but there can still be a lot of mess – spilt drinks, drippy yogurt, milk from cereal bowls etc. We were…

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Eliza could easily be described as feisty. She is fiercely independent and wants to do everything herself. Too often, I think we are guilty of doing things for her, just because it is quicker and easier. This weekend we have allowed her to take the lead a little, and see…

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With school runs, swimming lessons and football matches throughout the week, Eliza is used to snacking on the go. But we have learnt that some snacks are better than others for this purpose! Biscuits tend to get bashed to bits in the changing bag, anything chocolatey melts, and fruit sometimes…

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It seems like such a long time ago that we started weaning Eliza. With the older two children we went down the more traditional weaning route, using a mixture of baby food and home made purees, and spoon feeding them until they could hold a spoon themselves. We didn’t use…

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From first tastes to family meals, weaning Eliza with the help of HiPP Organic has been a real journey.  This time last year we were pureeing a Christmas dinner, sprouts and all, to spoon feed our tiny babe. I remember ripping a yorkshire pudding into tiny little pieces that she…

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