Cow & Gate growing up milk review

I have never really used a growing up milk before – both Gemma and Jacob just went from breast milk to cows milk once they were old enough. So when Cow & Gate offered to send some of their Growing up milk (1-2 years) for Max to try, I was really interested to see what he would think of it.

Cow & Gate growing up milk review

I have never given a lot of thought to just how many nutrients little ones use up during an average day. Crawling, walking, learning. Just 2 beakers of Cow & Gate growing up milk provides 132% of their Reference Nutrient Intake (RNI) for vitamin D, as well as Omega 3 and iron to support development. 

The milk comes in a really easy to use carton with a screw top – SO much easier than the cartons that require lots of faffing about with scissors and always leak when you try to pour. You can also buy in a traditional formula powder. So, we know it’s all good for parents – easy to use and full of the good stuff, but the real test comes in the tasting.

Cow & Gate growing up milk review

The taste test was a huge success. Max enjoys cows milk before bed, but rarely finishes it. Having given him the Cow & Gate growing up milk for a few nights now, and watching him drain the beaker every night, I think it is safe to say that he far prefers the Cow & Gate. I am really surprised – having never used this type of formula before I really didn’t know what to expect, but it’s clearly a hit with Max. 

Have you ever used a growing up milk?



  1. August 5, 2014 / 11:47 am

    We use this milk but only because when we tried switching from formula to cow’s milk Toby started waking in the night more – it could just be coincidence but for now, while he’s still having bottles, I’m happy to keep giving him formula.
    tobygoesbananas recently posted…Review: Fisher-Price Laugh & Learn Love to Play PuppyMy Profile

  2. August 5, 2014 / 12:23 pm

    Great review! I’ll have to think about growing up milk with my daughter soon once she starts eating food, scary stuff! I much prefer the idea of a screw top carton, those cardboard ones are the bane of my life when we’re out and about! xx #triedandtestedtuesday

  3. August 5, 2014 / 1:59 pm

    I never used growing up milk on any of my kids as they ate so well, but it sounds like a great milk for children who don’t eat well as kids need so many nutrients. I like the idea of it being screw top….much easier.

  4. August 5, 2014 / 5:15 pm

    I thought about trying a grow up milk, but never did. Now my kids are too old. #triedtested
    The Mad Mommy recently posted…Drink More Wine!My Profile

  5. August 5, 2014 / 5:42 pm

    Sounds great. Glad he liked it. I have a few friends that use it and their kids love it. I have never tried with either of mine. Like you said I went from breastmilk to cows milk really. But sounds beneficial. Great review and thanks for hosting lovely. #triedtested
    Jenny recently posted…Taco Beef Pie RecipeMy Profile

  6. August 5, 2014 / 9:09 pm

    I did use it as I was so worried about her getting enough vitamins. I was berated by a lot of other mums for wasting my money but if it made me happy who cares? I don’t see the harm in either really. Hubster used to bleat on that he was brought up on milk practically straight from the cow’s udder. I did politely decline that option 😉
    Emma Lander recently posted…Minging Minnie-tales of washing a much loved toyMy Profile

  7. August 5, 2014 / 9:13 pm

    I’ve never used growing up milk, Boo guzzles cows milk! But a friend of mine used it and her little one loved the taste too! X #TriedTested
    ToddlerSlave recently posted…Bravo Bravado!My Profile

  8. August 5, 2014 / 11:49 pm

    Thanks for this review – I’ve always wondered about growing up milk so really interesting to read. Jasmin has just turned one so I’ve been thinking about what to do. I’m still not quite sure, but will consider something like this as well as just using cows milk xx
    Mummy Says recently posted…Breastfeeding: not the most natural thing in the worldMy Profile

  9. August 6, 2014 / 11:51 am

    I’ve always used cows milk mostly for cost and Lucas did always drink it so I never considered an alternative but it’s great if he is drinking more of it and it does add vitamins if they are fussy eaters x
    hayleyfromhome recently posted…The Sooty Show LiveMy Profile

  10. August 6, 2014 / 12:23 pm

    I only used a growing up milk once, with my eldest who, after six weeks exclusive breastfeeding his Scottish granny piped up “That wean’s not getting enough milk! Give him a bottle!” so I did, and I dried up at 6 months. Wish I’d ignored her – my second and third were breastfed and went right onto cow’s milk when they were old enough.
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  11. August 7, 2014 / 12:16 am

    I’ve never considered using growing up milk because I think it’s entirely unnecessary – and I also think it perpetuates the myth that children ‘need’ something other than breastmilk. I can see why people might use it if they’ve been formula feeding already, but it’s not something that I’d ever consider using myself.
    Lauren recently posted…Review: a family stay at Premier Inn Old StreetMy Profile

  12. August 11, 2014 / 9:06 am

    I used growing up milk for my eldest as she didn’t like cow’s milk and it was fine by me. Whatever works for you. Glad your little man enjoyed it 🙂
    Lisa H recently posted…Birthday-Versary 2014My Profile

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