From cot to bed

We have always let our children take the lead a bit when it comes to the transition from cot to bed. When they have got to the stage where they have been able to climb up and out of the cot, then we have moved them to a bed, more for their own safety than anything else. Gemma was about 20 months when she made the move, and Jacob a bit earlier at 18 months. At 17 months, Max has been the earliest of all, and this week he made the leap from the baby safe zone of the cot to the very grown up bottom bunk.  It was not a decision we took lightly. We know he is very young, and that a lot of people probably think he is too small to be in a bed. But when you have a child who can get their leg over the top rail of the cot, safety becomes an issue, and I would rather he fell from the low bottom bunk than the height of the cot rail. We set the bed up with new sheets and a bed guard, and popped his zebra comforter and Grobag in place ready for bedtime. We made sure he was nicely tired and ready for sleep, in order to make the transition more likely to work.

Cot to bed

Max was fascinated. He has shared a room with Jacob for months now, but the bottom bunk has never been made up before – it has always just been a mattress, often covered in Jacob’s random collection of Skylanders, books and odd socks. The fact that it was now a bed definitely called for some exploration, and Max knew just what to do.

Cot to bed

Cot to bed

Cot to bed

The fact that his zebra comforter was already in there obviously made Max associate it with sleep time, and he lay down and said ‘night night’ to us all. A positive start!  We popped him into his Grobag, read a story and did goodnight kisses and cuddles, before placing Max into bed and leaving the room as usual. There was a confused silence, followed by a few whimpers and bumps as he moved around. I was fully expecting him to get out, but after a few minutes it went very quiet, so I popped my head around the door to see this: Cot to bed

The little dude was fast asleep!  Again, I expected him to be up a few times in the night, but after checking in on him before I went to bed, I didn’t hear him again until 6.50am when there was a shout of ‘Mummeeeee’ from next door. He spent the whole night in bed. I wondered if nap times would be the time that he struggled, but again I have just been popping him into bed and leaving the room and within minutes he is asleep. We are now on night 3, and Max is again fast asleep in his big boy bed. While I am super proud of him and astounded at how well he has taken to it, I am also so, so sad. He really isn’t a baby any more, is he?



  1. Keri Jones
    October 4, 2014 / 9:18 am

    Wow sounds like he’s taken to it really well. My boy hasn’t tried to get out of his cot yet and is in a gro bag 90% of the time so he cant lift his leg high enough anyway. He will be 3 in January and I know we should move him soon. I’m so nervous about it :/

    • kate
      October 4, 2014 / 9:29 am

      Do it when you’re both ready, there’s no rush. He might just surprise you and take to it really well!

      • Keri Jones
        October 4, 2014 / 9:35 am

        Yeah, I really don’t want to rush. I can just imagine him getting up and playing all night then being too tired for nursery. I suppose as long as he is tired when I put him to bed he shouldn’t be getting up. x

        • kate
          October 4, 2014 / 9:40 am

          I think it’s just a case of try and see sometimes. He might take to it really well and go straight to sleep, or he might not be quite ready. Could you try taking one side off the cot to start with?

          • Keri Jones
            October 4, 2014 / 9:58 am

            I’ve decided to take the side against the wall off today & see how he takes to it. It’s not a huge change I know but it’s a start 🙂 x

          • kate
            October 4, 2014 / 10:00 am

            Ooooh exciting – let me know how it goes!

          • Keri Jones
            October 4, 2014 / 10:01 am

            Will do 🙂 xx

  2. kate
    October 4, 2014 / 9:59 am

    Oooh exciting – let me know how it goes!

  3. October 6, 2014 / 12:02 pm

    We moved BB into a cotbed at 23 months for the same safety reason as you. It took a LONG time for him to get over the fact he could get out, so much so that the wife regrets doing it so soon but now he sleeps great so I stand by it.
    LB is coming up to that age so it wont be long but I’m not looking forward to it!.
    I would love to have my boys in 1 room, but LB doesn’t sleep great as it is so I don’t even want to think about what he would be like if his big brother was in the room!

  4. Emma
    October 6, 2014 / 9:41 pm

    Glad he settled so well in his big bed! He looks very cosy!

  5. October 8, 2014 / 11:13 am

    Aww he looks so cute and you’re so right, it all depends on the individual child and he’s done so well.
    Thanks for linking up with #SSAmazingAchievements

  6. Keri Jones
    October 8, 2014 / 1:25 pm

    Hi Kate, we took the wall-side bars off his cot and gave him a duvet instead of a sleeping bag on the same day. He’s doing really well so far. Still not ready to take the other side off but it’s a great start. Going to try a pillow next week, wish us luck! 🙂 xx

    • kate
      October 8, 2014 / 1:35 pm

      Oh that’s fantastic! He’s doing really well! Good luck with the next stage 🙂

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