It doesn’t seem possible that 2 whole years have passed since my little boy came into the world. He is most definitely no longer a baby, but a fully fledged, independent toddler who knows exactly what he wants and how to get it.  On Monday my baby turned 2. He…

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Hello hello, and welcome to the temporary home of this weeks Magic Moments. I am hosting the linky this Monday, while the lovely Jaime from The Olivers Madhouse recovers after an operation. Get well soon gorgeous lady! If you are tweeting links this week please don’t forget Jaimes twitter account…

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I can hardly believe that Max is 17 months old. He is a fully fledged toddler now, who has mastered walking and sleeping in a big boy bed. Now he is learning to talk. We have had a few babbled words for a long time now – ‘mama’, ‘dada’ ‘memma’ (Gemma) and…

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We have always let our children take the lead a bit when it comes to the transition from cot to bed. When they have got to the stage where they have been able to climb up and out of the cot, then we have moved them to a bed, more…

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This week has seen a HUGE milestone in the world of toddler-dom. Max learnt to walk! It’s been on the cards for a while – he has been standing unsupported for a couple of weeks now, but has always resorted to crawling when he wants to get somewhere. One day…

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